Team name with S
- Saints
- Spurs
- Steelers
- Sharks
- Suns
- Snakes
- Stars
- Southampton
- seahawks
- Spartans
- Sunderland
- Sixers
- San Antonio Spurs
- sydney swans
- Senators
- Реклама
- Sacramento Kings
- Sabers
- Supersonics
- Storm
- san jose sharks
- Seattle Kraken
- stealers
- Swansea
- Sonics
- Seagulls
- swans
- Sevilla
- Seattle Mariners
- Sheffield United
- Southampton FC
- Scorpions
- Spain
- Sentinels
- Slytherin
- Salamanders
- Strikers
- sox
- Santos
- Sabres
- south africa
- Sparks
- Sheffield Wednesday
- Serpents
- Scotland
- Super Sonics
- Seattle Supersonics
- Sounders
- Southhampton
- Sunrisers Hyderabad
- Sea Eagles
- San Diego Chargers
- Sunrisers
- Sydney sixers
- San Diego Padres
- Sooners
- Stingrays
- seventy sixers
- Skycats
- Salzburg
- Seminoles
- Реклама
- Sporting Lisbon
- Superheroes
- Sheffield
- Sunderland FC
- St Kilda
- Super kings
- Sampdoria
- seals
- Stallions
- super
- singers
- south sydney rabbitohs
- Sea hawks
- Snipers
- sailors
- seattle sounders
- Sky
- seattle super sonics
- sus
- Sevilla FC
- socceroos
- Switzerland
- Sonic
- super stars
- Sheffield Utd
- Springboks
- Sarah
- South Carolina
- Snails
- Sacremento kings
- Sweden
- socks
- Sausages
- soxs
- Sassuolo
- Sea lions
- seatle kraken
- Sporting
- superstars
- South
Слова в списке Team name with S исходят от игроков словесной игры Игра категории.